


糖尿病.胃腸消化性疾病 Diabetes .Gastrointestinal and Pancreatic Disease   
產品序號 產品名稱-規格 相關檔案
CTL-4784 animal Insulin Control-3 x 0.5 ml
EIA-1293 C-Peptide-96T
EIA-1560 Proinsulin-96T
EIA-1594 ICA ( Isle-cell Autoantibody)-96T
EIA-1825 Insulin (Human)-96T
EIA-1910 anti-GAD-96T
EIA-2048 Insulin (Rat) -96T
EIA-2336 Insulin, Iso-96T
EIA-2337 Insulin (Human) Ultrasensitive-96T
EIA-2395 Leptin (Human, Sandwich)-96T
EIA-2935 Insulin (Human)-96T
EIA-2943 Insulin (Rat) Ultrasensitive-96T
EIA-3056 Gluc. Like Peptide I (active) ELISA (see next line)-96T
EIA-3114 Leptin (Mouse)-96T
EIA-3115 Leptin ( Rat)-96T
EIA-3120 Substance P-96T
EIA-3439 Insulin (Mouse)-96T
EIA-3440 Insulin (Mouse) Ultrasensitive-96T
EIA-3527 Leptin Receptor (Human)-96T
EIA-3741 Amylin total (Human)-96T
EIA-3742 Amylin (Human)-96T
EIA-3781 Pankrin -96T
EIA-3881 Microalbunin-96T
EIA-3985 Insulin (Rat) High Range-96T
EIA-4087 GAD 65 Ab -96T
EIA-4127 Insulin (Rat/Mouse) -96T
EIA-4156 Proinsulin total-96T
EIA-4172 Adiponection (Mouse)-96T
EIA-4176 Leptin Soluble Receptor-96T
EIA-4177 Adiponection (Human)-96T
EIA-4194 Resistin human-96T
EIA-4253 ICA 2 -screen-96T
EIA-4283 Resistin (Mouse)-96T
EIA-4304 Leptin (Human)-96T
EIA-4393 Cholecystokinin (CCK)-96T
EIA-4446 P2 ANP (C-Type 2 Collagen)-96T
EIA-4459 lipase-96T
EIA-4460 Amylase-96T
EIA-4473 PYY (Rat)-96T
EIA-4474 GLP-2 (Human)-96T
EIA-4475 Glucagon (Rat,Mouse,Human)-96T
EIA-4476 GLP-2 (Mouse)-96T
EIA-4477 Glicentin (Rat)-96T
EIA-4478 GLP-2 (Rat)-96T
EIA-4480 PYY (Human)-96T
EIA-4498 Calprotectin-96T
EIA-4501 Gastrin ( Rat)-96T
EIA-4527 GIP (Human)-96T
EIA-4528 GIP (Rat/Mouse)-96T
EIA-4550 Resistin (Rat)-96T
EIA-4551 Leptin (Murine)-96T
EIA-4552 Endostatin (Human)-96T
EIA-4553 Adiponection (Mouse)-96T
EIA-4554 Resistin (Mouse)-96T
EIA-4564 Leptin (Mouse, Rat)-96T
EIA-4570 Adiponection Rat-96T
EIA-4572 Resistin (human)-96T
EIA-4574 Adiponection (Human)-96T
EIA-4599 DAO active (Histamine Intolerance)-96T
EIA-4603 Pepsinogen 11 (Human)-96T
EIA-4604 Pepsinogen 1 (Human)-96T
EIA-4607 Leptin ( Rat)-96T
EIA-4609 Proinsulin (Rat)-96T
EIA-4633 Visfatin (Human)-96T
EIA-4639 Pancreatic Peptide-96T
EIA-4645 Adiponection Human High Molecular Weight (HMW)-96T
EIA-4646 Adiponection (Human)-96T
EIA-4686 Ghrelin (acylated ) human-96T
EIA-4709 Ghrelin Tatol-96T
EIA-4710 Ghrelin Active-96T
EIA-4739 Insulin (Ovine) -96T
EIA-4746 Insulin (Equine)-96T
EIA-4747 Insulin (porcine) -96T
EIA-4748 Insulin (Bovine)-96T
EIA-4749 Insulin (Canine)-96T
EIA-4767 C-Peptide (Rat)-96T
EIA-4783 Diabetes-antigen Control (Rat, Mouse)-3 x 0.5 ml
EIA-4820 Adiponection (Human)-96T
EIA-4919 Insulin (Feline)-96T
EIA-4925 Morphine ( Urine)-96T
IA-4187 Gastrin ( Human)-96T


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